Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The White Stripes

Ahhh. Jack and Meg.... so hot together. For my birthday my wonderful fiance gave me tickets to see The White Stripes at Madison Square Garden. Yay, I was so excited. We went to the show on Tuesday and it was so fucking awesome. Jack is hot. Meg is hot. Together they are fucking hot. I had such a great time, it was awesome. The last time I saw them I was living in California and I went to see them at the Hollywood Bowl, that show was awesome too, but I think this one was better cause Jeremy was there, and of course because we walked down front for the encore so I could see Jack and Meg perfectly clear.... one thing.... Jack needs to stop telling people that Meg is his sister. Ewwwh, they had sex. I mean not ewwwh, hot, but if she really was his sister that would be ewwh, so he needs to stop saying it. That's all :)