Thursday, February 12, 2009

Potted Herb Favors

For almost a year I have been wrestling with favor ideas for my wedding. I want to give my guests something that they will be able to keep and use and remember our wedding for. From the beginning I had the idea of giving the gift of a bulb that the guest would then have to plant. But that idea was when my wedding was going to be in the fall. Now that I have an August wedding, what can I do? It just so happens that there are few, or no bulbs available in August, I suppose it is just a dry month for bulbs. So, next I started fooling around with the idea of giving flower seeds as favors, maybe I would wrap them in toile or put them in small glass bottles with cork stoppers. So, last summer I planted some flower seeds that I purchased, just to try out my idea. I had never planted flowers from seeds before. In no time the plants sprouted and grew and grew, but none of my plants ever flowered. How disappointed would my guests be if after taking the time to plant these itsy bitsy seeds they don't even flower? Plus how can I guarantee that my guests would even plant the seeds or bulb (as in the previous idea). I don't want to give a DIY favor. I don't want my guests to have to get a pot, dirt and plant something. That was when I decided that seeds are too much work and unreliable. Now what? Maybe I could give a plant, but the question was, what kind of plant and how could I still stay within my very small budget? All this is running through my head and I am thinking I want to give a plant that my guests can use and that is when I thought of giving herbs. Quickly I drew up a sketch of my potted herb idea, which you can see above. I am pretty sure this is the final idea. I am planning on planing a variety of herbs in small terracotta pots.... basil, sage, rosemary, parsley, mint.... as my guests are leaving they can choose the herb they wish to take with them. All they will have to do is water it and enjoy. Yay for another wedding planning aspect figured out.

1 comment:

Gina said...

This is a fantastic idea. I am really great with plants, so if you want help growing them i'm your lady. I grow my plants every year (from seeds), it's so much cheaper than actually buying them all.

Let me know if you want help :o)